BOMA Canada’s National Conference and Exhibition – BOMEX® is one of Canada’s premier annual conferences and exhibitions for commercial real estate industry professionals.
The concept for BOMEX® was developed in the mid-80s before other shows and conferences were as abundant as they are today. BOMA Calgary hosted the first BOMEX® in 1990 at the Calgary Convention Centre – an event deemed so impressive it spurred the establishment of a BOMA association in neighbouring Saskatchewan.
Throughout its 25 year history, BOMEX® has been hosted by nine of its eleven associations across the country, from British Columbia to Newfoundland and Labrador, with local hosts providing unique architectural, recreational and local flavours to the national event.
Over the years, the trademark format of tradeshow, education sessions and the national awards gala has been supplemented with receptions, locally-themed social events and optional activities such as golf tournaments, site-seeing excursions and building tours.
Providing a unique opportunity for attendees to not only connect nationally but internationally through the participation of BOMA International representatives, the annual event has also, on several occasions, been hosted in conjunction with major regional and international BOMA events, industry associations, and events.
BOMA Canada proudly celebrates 25 years of BOMEX® success and looks forward with excitement to what the future brings for our national conference and exhibition, to the “renewal” work of the BOMEX® Strategic Committee, and to the plans our future hosts have in store for all of us in the coming years.
Whether its networking, education or the celebration of excellence there is something to be learned, shared and experienced for everyone at BOMEX® – and it’s fun. Won’t you join us?